Australian Small Business Champion Awards Finalists 2019

DigiGround was one of the proud  finalists in the Australian Small Business Champion Awards 2019 for its contribution in web development, mobile app development, software development, graphic design and digital marketing services.

Australian Small Business Champion Awards 2019 Finalists
Awards Won By DigiGround Australia
DigiGround Was One Of The Proud Finalist In The 2019 Australian Small Business Champion Awards

2019 was a great year for DigiGround right from the start! We were nominated for the Australian Small Business Champion Awards 2019 in the Information Technology category.

The Australian Small Business Champion Awards is a prestigious and comprehensive program that acknowledges small businesses throughout Australia. The Awards seek to recognise the hard work that business owners contribute to the local community in generating employment for millions of Australians, as well as their contribution to the Australian economy.

DigiGround was recognised as a finalist in the Information Technology category. This acknowledges the hard work we have contributed to our clients and the community in improving their business processes, innovation and growth.

Although DigiGround is no longer in the Small Business Category this year, we are proud of  ourselves for being a part of the small business community in our initial days and always  believe that every business has an important contribution to make, no matter its size. Being named a finalist is an incredible recognition and a huge milestone for the DigiGround team.

This nomination told us that we are on the right track and motivates us to push harder with our application development to continue creating bigger and greater things for the community. This recognition by the Small Business Awards program helps provide further credibility for DigiGround amongst our clients, partners and supporters. It ultimately pushes us to achieve new heights and positions us for future growth in the application development area.

These Awards give us a platform to celebrate the everyday success of businesses like DigiGround. We would like to congratulate the other finalists for this incredible recognition of their hard work and contribution to the community and local economy.

Want to be a part of an award winning team?

DigiGround is an equal opportunity provider. If you are a developer, marketer, designer or just looking for an opportunity to build a career in the tech industry, fill out this form and share your details with us.

Bespoke Software

As your app and software development partner, DigiGround will be with you every step of the way, from scoping and planning to delivery and beyond. Our multi-award-winning Sydney software development team creates bespoke mobile apps, operational systems and software products for enterprise, SMEs, government, non-profit and funded startups.

Get in touch and transform your business processes today.


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