Set Up Your Twitter Profile

Setting up a Twitter profile is so easy that anyone can do it. But growing your followers and increasing your chances of showing up

Setting up a Twitter profile is so easy that anyone can do it. But growing your followers and increasing your chances of showing up in search results – that requires some more thought. Optimise your business Twitter by following these four steps.

Set up your Twitter profile in 4 steps

Step 1: Complete your profile

This first step seems simple. But a lot of users fail to fill out their entire profile. Give your visitors all the information they need by adding every basic detail about your business. At a minimum, we suggest your business Twitter contains the following:

Bio – a short blurb about what your business does and how it helps customers. Make sure the bio captures your brand’s style and tone. And try to add a few keywords to boost your SEO.

Location – it’s good to let your customers know where you operate. It can add a more human feel to your business.

Website – this is the most important element. You want to get users to visit your website (so you can provide more marketing to them), so make sure you include a link to it!

Step 2: Use branding material

If you have existing branding, great! You need to use it consistently across your social media profiles to make your business instantly recognisable and more memorable. These are the two most important to include:

Profile picture – for an individual or one-person shop, this can be a photo of the account owner. For a business, you need to find a something else that it simple yet memorable. An image of your logo, brand name or mascot can go well here.

Header image – this banner will appear across the top of all your social media profiles. It’s often the first thing your visitors will see. Using an image of your products, team members or location can go well here to personalise your page.

Step 3: Adjust your account settings

It’s important you check up on how your Twitter account works. Have a look over the following settings and make tweaks if necessary:

Privacy and safety – enable all discoverability options so users can find you easily. Make sure your company’s email address and phone number are on file, because people will use this information to find your business. You should also turn on direct messages, so customers can contact you directly.

Email notifications – turn on as many email notifications as possible. This way, you can reply to customers as soon as they send you a tweet or message.

Find friends – connect with partners, clients and other important people by uploading contacts from your business email address book.

Accessibility – we suggest you turn on image descriptions to help the visually impaired to understand the content you’re posting.

Step 4: Use pinned tweets.

A pinned tweet is a tweet you’ve selected to appear at the top of your profile, even if it’s not your most recent one. You can only have one pinned tweet at a time, and it can’t be a retweet. We suggest using this to draw attention to something you want visitors to see, such as your latest blog post, company news, or details about a promotion. It’s a smart idea to always have a tweet pinned – just make sure you change it up regularly.

Creating a Twitter profile is easy but putting one together in a couple of minutes isn’t effective. Sit down and have a think about the information you want to put out there. If you’re in doubt, just contact us to help you with your social media setup.

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